McGovern statement

Statement on Councilor Marc McGovern (September 2017)
The Cambridge Residents Alliance wants its supporters to know we are pleased that Councilor Marc McGovern sought the Alliance's endorsement and that he has rejected developer money.
We cannot endorse Councilor McGovern because of the number of “do not know” responses on his questionnaire and his stances on some development issues. We are pleased that he has regularly reached out to us over the past two years to improve legislative policies, and that he has demonstrated an ability to work productively with all city councilors.  Marc has worked hard for many of the social justice issues we care about, and we are committed to working together on them in this term and in the future.

Councilor McGovern responded: "I would like to thank the Cambridge Residents Alliance for their consideration. Although we may have some different views on how to address our housing crisis, I think there is far more we agree on than not. I look forward to continuing to build our relationship in the years ahead.”

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Cambridge Residents Alliance